拓海広志「On the Kumano Kodo : シルビア・マユガさん」



 これらのフォーラムを通して、僕はアジア太平洋の各国と山形や沖縄に多くの新しい友人を得ましたが、同時に国際文化会館国際交流基金にも多くの仲間を得ることができました。そして、それ以降も国際文化会館国際交流基金の仲間たちとは、いろいろなことを一緒にやってきました。その一つに、両者が1998年に共催した「アジア・リーダーシップ・フェロー・プログラム」にフィリピンの聖地バナハウ山から参加した作家シルビア・マユガさんの希望を受け、熊野に住むアルバトロス・クラブの仲間たちがリレー形式で案内をすることで、彼女に熊野の旅をしてもらうというプログラムがありました。その旅の様子をシルビアさんがレポートした文章が、下記PDFのP.64〜P.72に掲載されています。ちなみに、文中でHiroshi Etaniと紹介されているのは、僕のことです。

 Sylvia Mayuga「On the Kumano Kodo」(P.64〜P.72)


It began with a weekend at the Kii Peninsula in Wakayama Prefecture
southeast of Tokyo, with a young official of the Japan Foundation who
"abducted" me on the last program day. Maho Sato is also a member of
a fascinating NGO called Albatross. It was led by the 32-year old
visionary Hiroshi Etani who was motoring from Osaka with a complement
of Shugendo practitioners eager to cross-pollinate with a student of
animism and mythology from Nanpo, "the islands of the south" in Japan's
ancient chronicles.


"This is where the mountain gods married the ocean gods," said Hiroshi
Etani as we viewed elevations lapped by a shimmering Pacific at sea level.
Before us roared Nachi taki, the waterfall at the core of Seigantoji's
spiritual tradition, arguably Japan's oldest. Its lore says the Indian
sadhu Ragyo sailed into Kumano Bay with six companions in 4 A.D.,
wandered to these mountains and received a vision of Kannon Bosatsu
while meditating behind that taki. This encounter with the boddhisatva of
healing became the founding event of a community of mountain ascetics
and healers, monk and lay, practicing Shugendo all over Japan today.


As Albatross led on through the gentler elevations of the Omine Mountain
Range extending from Kumano in the south to Yoshino in the north, its
kinship with animist Banahaw became a fascinating line of continuity.
Antedating the imperial version that led to war, tribal Shinto's sacred
spaces - cordoned by woven ropes of rice straw, the shimenawa, and
strands of triangular prayers in paper, the gohei, recalled Banahaw's own
pilgrimage route of rock, cave, waterfall and river puestos with candles,
incense and incantations etched in stone. Different climate and vegetation
were like the different flags and symbols expressing the same reverence
for common bedrock of spirit and geology.


Albatross’ vision of Japan’s Austronesian roots shared with Nanpo and the
rest of the Pacific also receives confirmation in Kumano - in Polynesian
words and melodies found in the Kii Peninsula’s festival songs and distinct
Pacific influence on the shapes and decorations of boats celebrated in the
oldest extant paintings of the whale hunt in Japan. This cross-pollination
cut a wider swathe of time and geography.



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